It is connected to a timer/interrupt input of the Arduino. The IR receiver is used to detect the rotor position. It contains the connector cables to the LED strips and a circuitry for the IR receiver. There is also a self-made shield for the Arduino. I used following pin connections, you can use any other free pins of your board. Thanks to 32bit microcontroller of Arduino Due, the rendering is superfast, compared to previous 8bit Arduino board versions. Siamo giunti al terzo articolo per quanto riguarda l'interazione Arduino - windows Phone, partendo da un introduzione allo sviluppo con Arduino Due, una scheda generalmente ideata per la prototipazione e la realizzazione di circu.
First published on TECHNET on Anteprima in Italiano.
A demo video of WristWhirl is posted below: YouTube. The sensor readings are collected and processed using an Arduino DUE board. The gesture must be terminated with another pinch, that will deactivate the proximity sensors to save battery power.